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Monday, September 14, 2009

Jóhann Jóhannsson - Fordlândia

Album Title: Fordlândia
Album Artist: Jóhann Jóhannsson

Track listing:
1. Fordlandia (13:43)
2. Melodia (i) (1:56)
3. The Rocket Builder (lo Pan!) (6:25)
4. Melodia (ii) (1:49)
5. Fordlandia - Aerial View (4:33)
6. Melodia (iii) (3:12)
7. Chimaerica (3:23)
8. Melodia (iv) (2:45)
9. The Great God Pan Is Dead (4:56)
10. Melodia (Guidelines For A Space Propulsion Device Based On Heim's Quantum Theory) (9:04)
11. How We Left Fordlandia (15:25)

Jóhann Jóhannsson is a 40-year-old Icelandic-born musician, composer, and producer. A very accomplished man, he's created music for over 10 films and more than 10 stage productions, on top of his studio albums. His compositions on "Fordlândia" are moving and emotional. This music is not for the impatient, and don't expect this to be the kind of music to put a pep in your step---no upbeat songs here---but what you can expect is an album full of slow, gorgeous swells of orchestration.

Just like our other favorite Icelandic musicians (Sigur Ros being the most popular and well known), Jóhann Jóhannsson creates ambiences of another kind, using all sorts of instruments - expect to hear piano, pipe organ, violins, cellos, and bits of distorted guitar.

Fordlândia is a sort of "classical concept album" that tells a story (musically, of course).
The following is taken from
Jóhann Jóhannsson's website:
"'One of the two main threads running through ["Fordlandia"] is this idea of failed utopia, as represented by the "Fordlândia" title - the story of the rubber plantation Henry Ford established in the Amazon in the 1920’s, and his dreams of creating an idealized American town in the middle of the jungle complete with white picket fences, hamburgers and alcohol prohibition. The project – started because of the high price Ford had to pay for the rubber necessary for his cars’ tyres – failed, of course, as the indigenous workers soon rioted against the alien conditions... The remains of the town are still there today. The image of the Amazon forest slowly and surely reclaiming the ruins of Fordlândia is the one that gave spark to this album... During the making of the album, I also had in mind the Andre Breton quote about convulsive beauty, which he saw in the image of "an abandoned locomotive overgrown by luxurious vegetation.'"
(The track-by-track descriptions/inspirations can also be found at Jóhann Jóhannsson's website)

So before you totally read your brains to death, if you have the time, put on some music from "Fordlândia," kick back in a comfy chair, relax, and just give this a listen---there'll be some tracks in the player if I can find them online.

There is some music that words just can't describe quite right... This is that kind of music. I hope you enjoy this melancholy goodness as much as I have.

My Take: 4.5 out of 5 stars
Highly recommended.

Album Highlights:
The Rocket Builder (lo Pan!)
How We Left Fordlandia

Jóhann Jóhannsson's website
Jóhann Jóhannsson on MySpace

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